Aliens vs Predator - Requiem Movie Download 
Plot: Warring alien and predator races descend on a small town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.
Summary : A little town in the hills of Colorado will become the battleground between two of the deadliest extra-terrestrial lifeforms - the Alien and the Predator. When a Predator scout ship crash-lands in the hills outside the town, Alien facehuggers are released in the crash, and an even more evil creature - a hybrid Alien/Predator - is also released. A man & his son hunting in the forests near the crash site soon become the first victims of the facehuggers, and when a Predator receives data about the crash on his home planet, he comes to Earth. One at a time, the inhabitants of the town become targets of the Aliens and the Predator, including the local sheriff, a young female soldier recently returned from Iraq, and several teens. Though the National Guard is called in, they are unable to stop the deadly creatures, and a plan is set in motion to destroy the town with a nuclear device.
In Gunnison County, a spacecraft crashes in the woods bringing a powerful hybrid Alien hosted inside the pilot Predator. The local Buddy Benson and his son Sam are hunting in the forest and witness the crash, but they are chased and killed by the Alien. Meanwhile another Predator lands on the spot seeking out the Alien and destroying the evidences of their presence on Earth. The dwellers of the town find themselves in the middle of a battlefield between the two deadly extraterrestrial creatures, and the small group of survivors splits the leadership between Sheriff Eddie Morales and the bad-boy Dallas Howard that have different opinions about the best means to escape from the beings. More Info...
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